By Denene C. Smith I recently watched a YouTube teaching by Dr. Cindy Trimm, one of the most prolific speakers, foremost authority and author on Spiritual Warfare and Intercession. The teaching is entitled “Putting Yourself Where You See Yourself”, it is part 2 of a series; “The DNA Of Destiny”. This message had a profound impact on me as it regards to the power of thought and how our words can, do and will shape our atmosphere either positively or negatively. Proverbs 23:7 says “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” On many occasions I have found myself placing constraints on my ability to realize my dreams and achieve my goals by negative thoughts and words that placed boulders and moats between them and me. I realized that not everything that has occurred in my life was orchestrated by the enemy but by words and thoughts I spoke. Dr. Trimm asked a profound question: “Who do you listen to the most?” I know many of us will say “oh God of course”, truth is we talk to ourselves the most and we listen intently. What are we saying to ourselves? Is it edifying? Does it catapult us into our destiny, or do our words place chains on our feet, make us stagnant, does what we say to ourselves keep us from growing in the word of God, in the revelation of the call on our lives? I learned that I cannot let what I see in the mirror or my past prevent me from moving forward and accomplishing what I want to do. My past and my fears have nothing new to say to me, I am dedicated to redesign the way I think and revise the words I speak! It takes no more effort to think on those things that are holy and good than to think on the negative. I am fearfully and wonderfully made, there is no good thing that God will hold from me, because it’s His desire to see me blessed. So, I am taking hold of this new way of thinking and speaking and I intend to be a world changer, I want and will see my dreams realized, I expect the best from God because He is the best. I am repenting right now as I write this of every word I spoke over myself that was contrary to what Abba Father says I am, I submit my mind and my spirit to Him, Lord transform my thinking and my speech.
Will you join me? Will you commit your thoughts and words you speak to yourself to our Father? I’ll ask you again, what are saying to yourself? I’d love to hear from you and look forward to hearing how God has or is changing how you see or think about yourself.
StoriesHer Life Speaks is all about Her testimony, Her life, and who God is in Her story. Here we write our stories in hopes of helping other women find their relationship with Jesus Christ. Archives
January 2024