By April Sliwak, Executive Director I’m super excited to be studying the women of the Bible this season in Her Life Speaks. These women each had a story and a life full of circumstances that are no different than ours today. These are women who were disobedient, faithful, prayerful, generous, beautiful, sexually abused, widowed, adopted, chosen, depressed and sick. God’s providence is among the stories that we read and we’re left with a picture of who God is, what he capable of doing, and her final legacy in that story. My favorite story is of Queen Esther. I love her for so many reasons. But more importantly, I love her because of her willingness to abide in what God was calling her to do without her realizing it at the time. God used her circumstance, her gifts and her position to further his purpose. Here is my edited version of the book for Esther. I highly encourage you to go and read it in its entirety. God is never mentioned once within the 9 chapters but his presence is ever present: 1. GOD IS IN CONTROL OF ALL EVENTS God orchestrated the dismissal of Queen Vashti to make room for the teenage orphan, Esther; unaware that the events that were taking place in the kingdom were going to change her life and the Jewish people FOREVER. 2. GOD IS THE CREATOR God gave Esther the gift of BEAUTY. God used beauty so that the king would fall in love with her and choose her to be Queen. God used beauty for HIS glory. 3. GOD GIVES FAVOR God gave favor to Esther numerous times in the story to advance his purpose. 4. GOD HONORS PRAYERS AND FASTING God honored Esther’s prayers and fast. The call to pray and fast shows Esther’s faith. Her act also shows her confidence, conviction and leadership because she is the one who suggests it to her guardian and cousin Mordecai. His response is the popular verse: “And who knows, but that you have come to your royal position for such time as this?” Esther believes in her passion for something and is willing to accept the risk of its outcome. 5. GOD IS THE PROTECTOR God protects the brave Esther when she goes to visit the king unannounced. 6. GOD IS IN THE DETAILS. HE’S INTENTIONAL ABOUT EVERYTHING God allows circumstances, like the king’s insomnia to promote Mordecai. 7. GOD’S PLAN IS FULFILLED God orchestrated the opportunity for Esther to tell the king about Haman’s plot to annihilate the Jews and to tell the king that she is Jewish. God uses her position for his purpose. How can we relate to Esther’s story from 2400 years ago to our lives today? God used a young Jewish girl with beauty to change the world. She grew up without a mother. She grew up without her father.
Think about who you are and your upbringing; were you raised by a single parent, or a guardian? Were you adopted, like Esther? Were your parents divorced? Does your birth order make you the way you are? What is your age now, your race, where you grew up? What were your experiences? What were your circumstances? Think about your gifts; leadership, servanthood, speaking, writing, faith, creativity, kindness, giving monetarily, task oriented, detail oriented, gentleness? How can God use your circumstances and your gifts to fulfill his purpose? Ephesians 1:4 & 11 says this: “God chose us before the foundation of the world… having predestined us to adoption… being predestined us according to the purpose of Him who makes everything work out according to his plan.” This was true of Esther. It’s true of us. Question: God is limitless. He can use any event in your life to advance his plan. Do you have a vision for something that will bless, encourage or further the kingdom work? Right now, you might be contemplating a vision. What’s holding you back? If you removed that very thing that hinders you, what would your vision look like? Envision that for a moment…
Ten years ago, when God gave me the vision: “older women share their stories with younger women”, I executed our first retreat sharing testimonies. I didn’t know then that I was IN God’s plan at the time. But 10 years later God shows us the purpose of the vision: Her Life Speaks! As believers, God calls us to his plan and purpose. This is your time. Your time in history to make a difference. It can be an act of kindness, forgiveness, or to serve and volunteer, or cast a vision and LEAD! God’s providence is here. Now. It’s always here. In every circumstance. On October 20 we will be having a workshop. We’re going to talk more about what your purpose and we’re going to make our own personal mission statement. Won’t you join us? FOR SUCH A TIME IS THIS YOUR TIME! Are you contemplating a vision now? I’d love to hear about it!
Mari Noruzi
10/5/2018 09:15:28 pm
Esther gathered her strength from God by being obediebt, fasting and praying... we all have Esthers within us, we need to be quiet and listen to God.
10/21/2018 06:24:50 pm
Thanks Mari for your response. I agree God is always available and waiting for us to enter into His presence for fellowship with him. All we need to do is commit to the time. It’s through our prayers that God speaks to us about our future.
10/22/2018 03:46:04 pm
Thank you April - as Esther I didn't realize until later that God was in deed with me at all times even when I wasn't paying attention to Him. God is amazing and so great....protecting and guiding at all times.
10/28/2018 04:38:02 pm
Thanks Candy! God knew us before we knew him. Isn’t that great?! He has a purpose for each of us and what an honor that he calls us worthy to do so!
Esther Manning
12/19/2019 01:38:49 pm
Your not getting back too me what's your problem of taking all my comments off this site wow
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StoriesHer Life Speaks is all about Her testimony, Her life, and who God is in Her story. Here we write our stories in hopes of helping other women find their relationship with Jesus Christ. Archives
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